Category eCommerce

Google+ Local : The New Features

Google+ Local : The New Features

Digital marketers have become more aware that mobile device search is becoming increasingly more popular than search on the normal bog standard computer or laptop. Bearing this in mind, it has come to our attention that local search and optimising…

9th Day Of Xmas: The Contents Count

9th Day Of Xmas: The Contents Count

Oh, what a pretty site. What does it do? I don’t know how many times I’ve said these words. When someone shows me a flashy new site they’ve been working on that is all looks and no substance my heart…

4th Day of Xmas: Measure Success

4th Day of Xmas: Measure Success

Welcome to the 4th day of Christmas and our run down of the most important digital marketing techniques that any website owner should know about. For many people operating online, particularly with ecommerce websites, Christmas is the ultimate busy season.…

3rd Day Of Xmas: A Call To Action

3rd Day Of Xmas: A Call To Action

So you’ve got your website up and running, well done by the way, and nothing seems to be happening. Your sites got a healthy amount of traffic, but looking at the rate of conversions is getting you down – loser.…