Once upon a time, all you had to do was publish ads, flyers, brochures, and make incessant pitches to anyone who cares to listen. Following that, prospects became customers because the information they had access too was limited and there wasn’t too much of it out there for them to dwell on before they decide.

Today, it’s a different story. People will share information about your business, the products you sell, and their experiences. They fire away related questions in forums mentioning your brand and what you offer. In short, there’s an unprecedented outreach for conversations about your business so you need to be aware that having a good product offering or services really isn’t enough anymore. It’s about the total experience with your brand.

Social media demands listening. It requires businesses to tune-in, stay vigilant, respond to questions, manage conversations, and manage any possible damage to your brand.

Your ability to spark new discussions, engage with audiences and manage conversations that already exist determines what you get out of your social media efforts.

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