When you market your business and/or products, what result are you looking for? Probably that customers would react positively to your ads or website, see themselves in your marketing and want to buy what you’re selling.
Frequently, what I run into online is copy and images that talk about the company and/or product, but do not relate directly to the customer. Strange, isn’t it?
Just think about what level of success you might reach with your copy if you targeted it specifically to your preferred customer.
Target Customer Copywriting Example #1
Body Helix – Hydro Helix Drink Mix

As a pickleball player who normally competes outdoors, I am in a constant search for electrolyte replacement products to put back what I sweat out.
Sure, there are the typical sports drinks, but when I read the labels, I find lots of artificial colors, tons of sugar (or artificial sweeteners) and other undesirable ingredients.
In addition to that, I also see a whole list of ingredients that I can’t recognize or pronounce!
I consider myself to be an intelligent person who has done some research about what’s good for my body and what isn’t so I’m unwilling to put up with inferior drink products.
That’s why my eyes perked up when I read the label of the Hydro Helix electrolyte drink mix from Body Helix.
The tag line “Fuel for Superhumans” on the front label immediately caught my attention because it was comical and I’d like to believe it applies to me. (Well, some days.)
But when I turned the container around and read the first sentence, I felt like this drink mix was created with me in mind.
“Hydro Helix is a high performance endurance drink for intelligent athletes who do their homework and demand the best.”
If you visit the Body Helix website and click on the Drinks category, you’ll find that the copy continues to engage and educate.

As someone interested in my own health, I read every word of this label. Body Helix does an excellent job of explaining the difference in carbs and the side effects of too much sugar. They also go into detail (in a very small space) about electrolyte function and why their formula is better for my needs.
Target Customer Copywriting Example #2
Bullymake Box
Apparently, this company is experimenting with writing copy that is highly targeted. If you click the link above (for the brand name) it goes to a page that is extremely targeted.
It offers a real-life story of a woman and her dog who struggled to find toys that this major chewer wouldn’t destroy in 15 seconds flat. Then wraps up with her excitement about Bullymake Box.
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These 5 Words Can Make or Break Your Marketing Results
Ready for more clicks, increased engagement & better results from all your marketing? It’s time to beef up your short copy. Discover 5 words that add power & persuasion to headlines, titles, subject lines, bullets, calls-to-action and more.

I understand that I will also receive weekly articles & videos plus periodic discounts, product notices & more. I can unsubscribe at any time.
This link came from my Google search.

However, if you go directly to the Bullymake Box home page, you see completely different copy. While it is still targeted to owners of big and/or tough dogs, it isn’t as detailed.

Target Customer Copywriting Example #3
Known for catering to working and/or outdoorsy people, Huckberry speaks straight to their online customers. Take this waxed trucker jacket, for example. The copy describing it also speaks to the shopper.
It doesn’t just talk about what the jacket is made of or when/where to wear it. Instead, it incorporates moments from the customer’s life into the copy with statements like, “Every time you hoist a beer, tie your boots, or ride your bike, you’ll leave a personal mark.”
It would have little to no appeal to a corporate CEO. But hard-working Americans who get their hands dirty and appreciate quality will instantly know that this is the place to shop.

Takeaway From These 3 Copywriting Examples
You can do this in your copy, too. But in order to speak directly to your audience in a meaningful way, the first thing you have to do is get to know your target customers as in-depth as possible.
- What do they do for a living?
- What do all those different jobs have in common? Truck drivers, construction workers, lumberjacks… they all relate to the clothing above because it provides style,comfort and a functional purpose for all the rugged, dirty stuff they have to do.
- Why do those customers need/want your products/services?
- What specifics can you mention (intelligent athletes, power toys for power chewers, weather-resistant canvas, really soft right out of the box, etc.) that will let your customers know they are in the right place?
- In addition to the copy, what images and colors can you use that your audience will key in on?
Need a little help creating a personal profile? My Easy Customer Profile Creation training will show you exactly how to develop a working target market outline you can use whenever you write copy. Use code PROFILE to save $10.
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