ThoughtShift love to give away things for free. With the entry of the Hummingbird Update from Google there has been a lot of content and information being written online about what it means for SEO. And what content would be complete without an awesome graphic to go with it?


Here you will find some images created by us here at ThoughtShift of our little versions of the Google Hummingbird. Please feel free to use these images where you like. All we ask for is a reference back to our website.

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The Google Hummingbird Update

What is it?

  • A new algorithm pushed out by Google to give even better search results
  • Focuses on people’s intent when searching, catering for more questions and answering questions rather than trying to puzzle together random keywords
  • It displays search content right on search pages themselves which makes it easier for users to find the information they need quicker
  • Designed to meet the needs of searchers who use mobile devices to search by speaking into their phones

How to cater for the update…

  • Businesses need to consider as many queries as possible and cater for any questions that a searcher could ask
  • All content on your website needs to be relevant, informative and useful
  • All meta data needs to makes sense and read well
  • Be seen as a leading expert in your area of expertise

Find out more about the update on Shirin’s Blog post here:
Attack of the Hummingbird – The Death of SEO?

Or from Joe on his blog post here:
SEO & The Rise of the Machines

ThoughtShift Vs Google


Google, The Big Bird


The ThoughtShift Hummingbird


ThoughtShift Hummingbirds


The Google Giant


Hummingbird Carrying Google


ThoughtShift Competes To Google’s Heights


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