Google Panda 4.1 Update Announced

Last week Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google UK, Pierre Far, announced via Google+ that a new Panda update was rolling out. This update is already taking effect and should have finished rolling out by next week. Many websites have reported…

Google Penguin 3.0: An Overview

Google is definitely flexing its muscles – showing that they are ruling with an iron fist. They have officially confirmed that the latest Penguin has been unleashed upon us since Friday and that the roll-out is now over (since Monday).…

13 eCommerce SEO Web Design Nightmares

If you’re in the throes of a new eCommerce web design and eCommerce SEO revenue is business critical for you, here’s 13 nightmarish tales from the dark side, that might just save your new eCommerce web build from turning into…

Panda 4.1 Update – Reloaded

“Reloaded, what is she talking about, it’s a new update?!” you are thinking. Well, I am sorry to disappoint. Although, people put numbers against what the update is, it is nothing new. It isn’t a brand new update, or has…

Should I Buy My Brand Terms?

During the several years that I have been working in paid search, the question that nearly always comes up, and that splits opinions like no other in the paid search world is “should I buy my brand terms?” The very…

How Wearable Technology Will Disrupt SEO

Wearable technology is no longer something sci-fi geeks dream of. With interest in Google Glass growing and smart watches becoming the new norm, the way we communicate with each other will be changing soon and this could mean a whole…

Google AdWords Rolls Callout Extensions

On Wednesday the 3rd September Google announced that they are rolling out a new AdWords ad extension called callout extensions with full availability to all AdWords accounts within the next few weeks. What do callout extensions look like? The callout…

Google Analytics Active Users Explained

Active Users [BETA] recently popped up in the Audience section of Google Analytics. However, there is very little information about what it is reporting on available. This blog post looks at what Active Users are and how we can use…

So, Farewell Then, Google Authorship

Last week Google finally announced the death knell for what will now be considered an “experiment” into attributing authorship to websites in its search results. To the surprise of few in the industry, after Google hinted heavily that the project…

The Future of Web Design

The number of ways we can access the internet is greater than ever before and continues to grow. From PCs to laptops to tablets and smart phones, smart TVs, watches and glasses: I see almost everything in the future having…

Top 5 eCommerce SEO Fails

After encountering the same SEO issues with eCommerce sites, I thought it was time that we try and prevent a few mis-haps. These eCommerce SEO fails could be costing your business thousands, if not hundreds of thousands in lost revenue.…