Your ecommerce platform serves as the foundation of your online store. Enterprise ecommerce software integrates with key business tools and manages both your front-end sales and your back-end processes.

Migrating your website to a new ecommerce platform is a critical business decision that impacts not only everything going on behind the scenes but your future sales, in particular your post-migration SEO performance. 

Below we review the best ecommerce platforms on the market that you might be interested in.

A laptop showing ecommerce data
Photo credit: Carlos Muza

1. Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus is a cost-effective enterprise commerce platform that is pushing the world’s largest brands to new levels. Shopify Plus is a reliable and flexible platform with an entire army of commerce experts behind you.

Photo credit:

2. Big Commerce

BigCommerce’s goal is to increase sales for merchants at all growth stages, from small startups to large corporations. BigCommerce, a leading Open SaaS solution, enables retailers to create, invent, and expand their online businesses.

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3. Magento

Magento is an Adobe-owned ecommerce website platform that focuses on building ecommerce websites. Users of Magento have access to hundreds of distinctive features that help them connect with their customers and sell their products.

Photo credit: Magento commerce cloud pricing starts from $40,000. Even though some costs like hosting and additional features are covered in it, it would still need other running expenses which would make it cost more than $30,000 to $50,000.

How to Migrate to Magento

It is possible to connect to your old ecommerce store directly with the help of the Improved Import & Export Magento 2 extension. The module lets you avoid file transfers since you move everything right from an external system to a new website via REST or SOAP API.

For Further Information on Magento

Shopify vs Magento vs BigCommerce Comparison

As a conclusion, we established the following table which displays a comparison between the 3 platforms. By reffering to this table you can find out which ecommerce platform is best for your business. Study their key features so you can make the right choice:

Key Features Shopify Big
24/7 Support X X  
Custom Domain X X  
Mobile-friendly X X X
Sell online and in-store X X  
Fraud protection X    
Email marketing tools X    
Business Capital X    
Hosting X X  
Multi-currency support X X X
Mobile app for merchants X X  
SEO Features X X X

For further advice on migrating your website to mitigate against the loss of any organic search visibility and maximise your future SEO performance, contact us for a free SEO migration consultation.

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