Emails continue to be one of the most effective ecommerce digital marketing communication channels with an ROI of around 3800%. Email marketing is a widely accepted channel amongst customers too now as they prefer to get information via email rather than through phone calls.

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Source: PeppyBiz

However, with time, email marketing has seen its evolution too. Nowadays, a buyer goes through several touchpoints before actually making a purchase. It is essential to make the buyer’s journey more engaging, in order to keep them in the business’ life cycle.

With your customer today having an overflowing inbox, you need to know the best practices to improve your email marketing campaign conversion rate. After all, there are so many players out there doing exactly what you are doing so you need to stand out.

Worry no more because this blog is going to guide you through everything you need to know to improve your email campaign conversion rates.

Email Marketing Best Practices to Improve Campaign Conversion Rates

Email Marketing is definitely here to stay and marketers who want to stay in the game need to level up their practices in order to boost their conversions. Here are a few tips to help you improve your email conversion rate.

1. Mobile responsive campaigns – Optimise your campaigns for mobile devices

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Source: PeppyBiz

Do you open your emails on your desktop every time you get an email? It has been found that more than 50% of emails are actually viewed on mobile devices. When an email campaign design only caters to desktop viewers a business can lose out on potential leads. A savvy content marketer knows that the content criteria for mobile and desktop emails vary widely and therefore does not lose out on any leads.

While creating mobile optimised emails, you should consider the following:

  1. You should ensure that the interface does not get hampered while viewed on a different device.
  2. All the links, images and videos are working equally well on mobile devices.
  3. Important content appears well above the fold.
  4. The character count for your subject lines and body are in check.
  5. Resize the font and images.

2. Try setting up automated drip campaigns

The best way to increase your conversion rates? Continuously staying in touch with your users! Yes, tell them you have not forgotten about their needs and show them you care by accompanying them on their consumer journey.

Drip campaigns are nothing but automated sets of emails that are sent to your user every time they land on your website and take a particular action. Such drip campaigns make your customer go through different touch points before making a purchase in order to enhance their experience.

These campaigns act as support for your users as they are continuously educating your lead about your business’ services or products. Not only that, these automated emails can sometimes reengage old leads and improve your conversion rates.

3. Don’t forget to add a personal touch to your email campaigns & build trust

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Source: PeppyBiz

Building trust requires you to play the long game, it needs constant work and requires commitment. In order to build trust, you need to come up with effective strategies to personalise your emails so that your audience can better connect with your business.

Some ways you can personalise your emails:

  1. Address your recipients by their name to grab attention and add a personal touch.
  2. Segment your audience and send relevant emails as per their individual needs.
  3. Add a personalised signature to the end of your emails to make them more personable.
  4. Send  behavior triggered emails such as welcome emails & cart abandonment emails.
  5. Provide tips and tricks to use your product/services better.
  6. Give offers and discounts on their most liked products.

4. Focus on communicating clearly with your subscribers

Do not underestimate the power of your emails. Instead of sending emails just to keep in touch, really work on providing valuable content.

It is your responsibility to communicate clearly all that you are offering, the value of your product, the pricing structure, how it can be further used more effectively with some complementary products, and share screenshots of how your product may have helped some of your other clients. Provide a simple demo video a GIF explaining your product in more depth. Using visuals in your emails grabs attention and are easier to digest.

5. Use triggering CTA’s in your email campaigns that move your subscribers

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Source: PeppyBiz

An email can have a real effect on your user and move them to take action. However, not all CTA’s need to urge the user to buy. Often emails contain CTA’s that direct users to either the website or a landing page to give them more information.

Whatever the goal is, your CTA’s should be strong, catchy and clear. The button should be distinctive and it should clearly state what will happen when the subscriber clicks on it. CTA’s can work like magic but if they are weak, they become irrelevant.

One way you can grab your subscriber’s attention with your CTA is by adding it to the end of an email with a ‘P.S.’ Many marketers use this tactic to great effect. Come up with creative call to actions that work for your business and A/B test them to see which is the most effective option for your audience. Time to get those CTA buttons rolling!


Getting conversions is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of any email marketing campaign. Discovering creative ways to make your campaigns stand out in your customer’s inbox can be time consuming and a challenging process in itself. However, when you see the results unfolding you will reap the rewards of your hard work and effort.

You should take the aforementioned email marketing best practices into consideration every time you run an email campaign. It is all a matter of developing a habit, embracing the process and putting your creative hat on. But know that getting email conversions is a marathon not a sprint. It is slow and requires consistency but it is definitely worth the wait.

Time to get on those Campaigns!

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