As the owner of a pharmaceutical or supplements eCommerce store, you want to keep your customers engaged and informed on your website. One of the first steps to do this is to make sure that your website’s pages give your customers a holistic view of your company and allow for transparency. But which pages are most vital — and what best practices should you be implementing for these pages?
Keep reading to learn what your most important pages must include to keep up with the competition and keep your audience satisfied.
Imagine your homepage as the storefront of your business. It’s an essential element of your site,, as it’s what invites people in and gives them a little glimpse into what they’ll find throughout your site. This is also the place to tout your unique value proposition and any special offers or big sales. In addition, the homepage is the hub of the links to all internal pages on your site.
Research has shown us that featuring your most popular, best-selling products on your homepage yields the most conversions. Clearly show the products that your existing consumers love, and you’ll soon get more and more new customers.
About Page
Your About page is where you should tell the story of your company, including when it started, why it’s in business and what exactly it does. This page can also feature bios of some employees. Keep it simple and you’ll keep it powerful.
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Category Page
This is the landing page for categories, such as, “Vitamins,” “Supplements,” “Nutraceuticals,” etc. Each of these pages then gives an overview of all products in a single category instead of listing every single product. Having a category page greatly simplifies site navigation for your audience.
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Product Page
This is a huge goal of your eCommerce site — to get people to check out the products. Each product page should include all product details, prices and a prominent “Add to cart” button. Tech-savvy companies also include reviews, similar products and social media sharing icons on their product pages.
Cart Page
On this page, your customer needs to see everything he or she has added to the cart while shopping. It’s vital to make any cart updates quick and simple. Allowing the user to update quantities from their cart leads to some of the highest interaction rates on an eCommerce site.
In addition, it’s a good idea to prioritize the placement of your checkout button. When this button is “above the fold,” eCommerce stores see a 3.5% lift in conversion.
Finally, on this page, try to do some upselling. Show similar products and have an “Add to Cart” icon next to each one for quick and easy additions.
Log in / Create account pages
Once your audience is able to create an account on your site, you’re then able to capture tons of valuable information. This includes their name, email address, birthdate, preferences, order history and more. Once you have this information, you can begin to customize your messaging for each customer, increasing their loyalty to your brand.
Contact page
This is arguably the most important page on your site. If a potential customer wants to shop but needs to get in touch with you first, you have to make sure they’re able to do so quickly and easily so they can go on to make a purchase.
The Contact page should include many ways for a customer to get a hold of your company, including your email address, phone number and live chat. When customers can easily access your company this way, they’re much more likely to have a great experience that they remember and share.
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FAQ page
Nowadays, most people don’t want to pick up the phone and call a company unless they absolutely have to. By having an FAQ page on your site, you can have all of the answers to your customers’ questions available 24/7.
At InteractOne, we recently wrote a blog post about what’s best to include on an FAQ page. Although this particular article was written with fashion eCommerce websites in mind, it can also apply to pharmaceutical eCommerce websites. You can read the article here.
[Link to: https://www.interactone.com/poor-faq-pages-are-costing-you-sales/]
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Store Locator page
If your business is online only, then you can forget about this page. But if your business has an actual brick and mortar store (or more than one store), then it’s important to have a Store Locator page on your site so that customers can also order and/or pick up your products at an actual storefront.
At InteractOne, we use the Magento 2 Store Locator extension for this, which is a module to manage store location. It helps customers find the nearest store location quickly and easily.
By following this page guide as you build your pharmaceutical eCommerce website, you’ll efficiently set up your company for success.
For help building the most essential pages of your pharmaceutical eCommerce website, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
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