Stories have the power to transform a brand’s presence. According to, today’s customers not only care about what you have to offer or the quality of your products. They’re also interested in your vision and purpose, and what your business stands for. The key to storytelling is understanding that values inspire actions through emotion, your consumers care about what your business stands for, and storytelling is a practice of leadership. Every business has a compelling story to tell, you just have to be able to pull it out and strategize it to appeal to your audience. Due to the descriptive power and emotion that they carry, stories can easily influence people and create trust in your name.

The emotional connection that an About Us page can deliver is so important to the success of your online business. Don’t worry if you think you don’t have an interesting to present to your audience – just work to express your beginning and values in an emotional, fun delivery. Keep your story lighthearted and motivating so it’ll speak to your audience, inspiring them to action.

An About Us page should answer questions like –

  • What were the key factors that motivated you to start your company?
  • How did you found your company?
  • What were the roadblocks and how did you deal with them?
  • Who was your first customer?
  • What is your funniest memory?

There are many more questions like these. Ask yourself such questions and try to answer them in your About Us page, remembering to try and resolve some of your answers around your audience, instead of concentrating on yourself. You don’t need to produce a year-by-year timeline of your progress, just include those elements that you think will pique your audience’s interest and strengthen the brand-consumer relationship.

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