Local Ranking Factors on Mobile vs. Desktop

Google My Business frequently defies logic when it comes to ranking factors for local businesses. In this blog post, I will discuss the ranking factors we’ve investigated for both mobile devices and desktop.  The team at ThoughtShift are continuously looking…

Rich Cards & The Evolution of Google Search

Last month our friends at that big friendly search company unveiled their latest brainwave for richer and more engaging search results: Rich Cards. This new and improved method by which to present information relevant to particular search queries is the…

5 Fantastic eCommerce PPC Measures of Success

Investing in pay per click (PPC) campaigns can be a great way to get instant brand visibility and revenue but when you’re spending money on attracting customers you understandably want tangible evidence of success! The “best” metrics or key performance…

5 Common eCommerce SEO Mistakes

It is believed that 60% of online shoppers begin their shopping experience with a search engine1. In addition to this they also visit several websites before making a purchase. This, along with the fact that eCommerce retailers expect online sales…

What is HTTP/2 and Why is it Important?

Find out about the latest HTTP update and what it could mean for the future of your online business. What is HTTP/2? HTTP/2 (hypertext transfer protocol) is the newest version of the HTTP protocol used to transfer information between servers…

6 Sexiest eCommerce SEO Metrics

When you’re working on a site with tens of thousands of pages, how do you showcase your eCommerce SEO prowess and demonstrate the most desirable of all marketing measurements, return on investment? Life was much simpler when we had the dearly departed…