

Using PPC to Enhance Your SEO

Using PPC to Enhance Your SEO

How can PPC and SEO work together? Well PPC and SEO when managed together can do wonders for your online marketing efforts. Essentially, your PPC  can help drive your SEO campaigns strategy. Not only can paid search provide valuable keyword and…

A New Superstar Joins Our Line-up

A New Superstar Joins Our Line-up

This month Tom Bowers has graduated from the ThoughtShift Academy to become a full blown superstar team member and digital marketing consultant! An English and Creative Writing graduate, Tom’s passion drove him to pursue several spells on blogs and papers…

Fighting Counterfeit Fashion Online

Fighting Counterfeit Fashion Online

They say that ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’ but is it really? Perhaps, when it is tastefully done in an obvious and open manner and when the imitator isn’t trying to portray themself as your brand. A good example of…

How Will Semantic Search Affect SEO In 2013?

How Will Semantic Search Affect SEO In 2013?

What is Semantic Search? Semantic search is summarised as ‘search systems that consider various points including the context of the search, location, intent, variation of words, synonyms, generalised and specialised queries, concept matching and natural language queries to provide the…

The Client And I

The Client And I

Every website has one thing in common, they all need content. Content comes in all different sizes, shapes and types, whether it’s a simple piece of written work, an infograph or even a cartoon. Companies across the web are in…