As we step into a post-Covid digital landscape, dominated by social media trends and a fast-paced consumer market, prioritizing video content creation has become a key hooking tactic when engaging with potential conversions. On the back of TikTok’s viral success and a global push for immersion in the marketing sector, brands must use video-based tactics to connect with their digital demographics and compete against other, tech-savvy, competitors.

“If you look at the current trends in digital (social, paid, and email), notice the amount of movement that you are seeing on each channel. Then notice how much more prevalent it is than before. Since platforms (such as Instagram) favor accounts that post video content, this will very soon become a necessity for marketers,” comments The Go! Agency’s CEO, Christopher Tompkins.

“My advice is to step out of your comfort zone; you will need video soon,” he states.

As platform algorithms and even Google’s search scoring system continues to rank video content highly, those who invest in an immersive content strategy will be sure to see a sharp return on investment in 2022.

In fact, according to experts at Animoto, 88% of marketers have already seen a significant return on their video content strategy and plan to increase releases of video ad campaigns in 2022.

In the same Animoto survey, 86% of marketers also attributed video content to a boost in site traffic and sale conversions, suggesting that video content alone has increased both user engagement and site authority in a competitive landscape.

As small businesses continue to establish themselves in the wake of an e-commerce boom, the use of video content could pave the way for new engagement highs, greater volumes of consumer traffic, and, in turn, a quick climb up an organic search string.

In a playing field full of niche competitors, your Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) makes all the difference when it comes to winning clicks. The higher a business venture appears in a google search string, the more chance it has of earning high click-through rates.

In fact, 92% of organic clicks go to the first five top-ranking pages on Google. With over a third of those click-throughs going to the first page alone, small businesses must be on top of their optimization tactics if they want a shot at the top spot.

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