Top Keywords - Amazon Holiday & Gift Keywords

Here are some staggering stats for ecommerce sellers:

  • The holiday gift marketing reached $1 trillion in 2018.
  • Approximately 40% of holiday sales in the U.S. take place on Amazon.
  • Holiday spending accounts for about 56% of the gift market. Unity Marketing
  • Occasion gifting (birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, etc.) accounts for the remaining 44%.

That means including top keywords (like holiday keywords and other gift keywords) is vital if you want to claim your fair share of the gift-giving market.

Why Use Amazon Keywords Related to Gifts & Holidays?

When a shopper clicks to Amazon, they have two primary ways to find what they want to buy.

  • Clicking Through Navigation — Using the left-hand navigation (which is hidden) or the links across the top of the page, customers could click their way to the product they want. That does happen sometimes, but typically that’s not where shoppers start.
  • Entering Keywords — The most popular way for visitors to find what they want on Amazon is to enter a search query into the search box. What that means is that you need to optimize your listing for the gift keywords entered, or you need to have a successful PPC campaign running that targets those keywords / phrases.

If you don’t optimize your Amazon listing for gift keywords, it is highly unlikely that your product page will show in the organic search results. That means you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

Where Should Your Top Gift & Holiday Keywords Go in Your Amazon Listing?

Depending on how competitive your niche is, you might have tons of keywords you already need to include in your copy and backend keywords fields. That’s OK. There’s still room to wedge a few holiday or gift keywords into the listing.

If your product is a highly sought-after gift item (such as cookie baskets, flowers, gourmet candy, etc.), you may want to consider positioning the whole listing for gifting. You’d write the copy while assuming that anyone viewing your product page would intend to purchase your ASIN as a gift for someone else.

In doing that, you’d open yourself up to the inclusion of a lot of gift keywords.

However, if your item is purchased equally (50% or so buy for themselves and 50% buy as a gift for someone else) you’ll need to incorporate gift and holiday keywords alongside your other search terms.

In this case, you can incorporate one key feature bullet that describes your item as a great gift or a portion of one bullet. You can also insert keywords into the backend (Search Terms or Subject Matter fields).

While most products could make a great gift for someone, there are products that just don’t lend themselves to being a present.

Running PPC campaigns? By all means, include gift and holiday keywords there, too!

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Where to Find Top Amazon Keywords

You might have already done keyword research for your product without thinking about gift and holiday search terms. Great! Even if you’ve searched for these 7 types of keywords, you can benefit by doing keyword research specifically for gifts and holidays.

So, where do you find keywords for holidays, occasions, gifting, and more? The Marketing Words team uses Helium 10’s Magnet. You’re welcome to use our special coupons if you want to give Magnet a try. MARKETINGWORDS50 gets you 50% off your first month. Or MARKETINGWORDS10 gets you 10% off every month for life.

To get a broad idea, just type in the word “gifts” and see what comes up.

Amazon Keywords

You’ll see the Magnet Score, which is a calculation of search volume and competition. The higher the Magnet Score, the better. Then the Amazon estimated search volume is provided along with the number of sponsored ASINs using this keyphrase (a good indicator that it is highly viable or sellers wouldn’t be spending money to show for it).

Magnet also provides you with the number of unique ASINs which have been advertising using Headline Ads targeted at this keyphrase and other useful data.

While you’ll absolutely want to do your own keyword research related to the specific products / niches you’re involved with, here are several lists of top keywords to get you started.

Top Keywords for Holidays

  • Christmas gifts
  • Holiday gifts
  • Hanukkah gifts
  • Passover gifts
  • Kwanzaa gifts
  • Mother’s Day gifts
  • Father’s Day gifts
  • Valentine’s gifts
  • Valentine’s Day gifts

Top Gender-Related Keywords

  • Gifts for women
  • Birthday gifts for women
  • Teen girl gifts
  • Baby girl gifts
  • Gifts for mom
  • Mom gifts
  • Grandma gifts
  • Best friend gifts
  • Gifts for her
  • Gifts for men
  • Boyfriend gifts
  • Baby boy gifts
  • Birthday gifts for men
  • Gifts for dad
  • Dad gifts
  • Gifts for him
  • Men’s gifts
  • Gifts for husband
  • Gifts for men who have everything
  • Best friend gifts

Top Keywords for Occasions

  • Birthday gifts
  • Wedding gifts
  • Housewarming gifts
  • Baby shower gifts
  • Baby gifts
  • Anniversary gifts for couples
  • Graduation gifts
  • Gifts for graduates
  • Retirement gifts
  • Gifts for retirement

Top Keywords Related to Products

  • Cookware gifts
  • Gardening gift set
  • Boat gift ideas
    • Research terms related specifically to your products / audience. 

Top Keywords Related to People

  • Gifts for cooks/chefs
  • Gifts for gardeners
  • Gifts for boaters
  • Gifts for garden lovers
  • Gifts for boat enthusiasts
    • Research terms related specifically to your products/audience.

Gift Keywords Related to Hobbies/Activities

  • Cooking gifts
  • Gardening gifts
  • Boating gifts
    • Research terms related specifically to your products / audience.

Generic Gift / Holiday Keywords

  • Funny gifts
  • Chocolate gift box
  • Thank you gifts
  • Personalized gifts
  • Monogrammed gifts
  • Gift ideas
  • Unique gifts

For most sellers, making any effort to include top gift and holiday keywords in your Amazon listing is better than not doing it at all. Sure, products like auto parts, home maintenance (air filters, cleaning products, etc.) wouldn’t likely be appreciated if given as a gift, but for the majority of sellers, it’s well worth the small effort to claim more sales each month.

Have questions about finding top keywords for your Amazon listing? Talk to me below!

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