The world has gone a little mad and in an unprecedented move in history almost all human physical interaction has been curtailed. Whatever your stance on the necessity of the measures taken, the fact remains that life-must-go-on but it most certainly isn’t business-as-usual.
Please comment below with your challenges so that we can start to develop your solutions
Thanks to initiatives such as the furlough scheme consumers are still earning and therefore spending money. Global Web Index have, and are continuing to, conduct some fantastic research on the impact of the Coronavirus on consumer behaviour and have made their findings freely available here. Their April Release 6 on Consumer Spending gives a great deal of insight into what people are still buying, how they are discovering new brands, their expectations of the retail sector and much more.

So, How Can We Help?
The ThoughtShift team got together to discuss how we can support independent businesses at this time. Amongst some great initiatives that we are going to be rolling out in May was the idea that we should ask you what your challenges are so that we can develop the best means of assistance.

No problem too big
So that might be an exaggeration, we’ll have to see what you come up with! But we really do want to know what challenges you are facing so that we can come up with solutions. We are ecommerce SEO, PPC and Facebook Advertising experts working with multi-channel retailers, manufacturers, travel brands, charities and apps. So, we have a range of relevant experience to apply to helping you overcome your challenges.
Please comment below with your challenges so that we can start to develop your solutions.
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