There’s probably a lot of webmasters out there who are wondering why Google hasn’t placed them at the top of the metaphorical tree this year. ‘ We’ve been as good as gold! Little angels you could say, but how does Google decide who’s been naughty and who’s been nice?’

Those nasty spammy websites – deserving only a lump of coal (it would match their black hat) – seem to remain a constant problem. Well, they might have a few dirty tricks up their sleeve, it’s true – but stay good angelic websites, be strong – there’s some hope for you this Christmas.

The Panda refreshes have done a bit to help the nice sites climb higher up the Google Tree than the naughty ones. This has meant that quality has been quite a significant determining factor this year for the success of websites in search, so it’s a good sign that a Merry Christmas will be had after all. Things like fresh, well-written and original content is one tip for sites to avoid being hit by this update.

Don’t make the Panda angry, but don’t worry – it’s a cuddly bear if you know how to handle it like we do at ThoughtShift. Enjoy the second Christmas themed illustration about getting to the top of Google (without devilish techniques), and be sure to come back to the ThoughtShift Blog for the next one tomorrow.

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