Like any other trade, a successful Search Engine Optimiser (SEO) needs the right tools to do their job. That’s why at ThoughtShift we were stoked to give WooRank’s capabilities a whirl. Their comprehensive site auditing didn’t disappoint, and we really enjoyed having everything in one place.

How it works
WooRank is an SEO and website analysis tool that reviews chosen domains based on several metrics. These include keyword audits, deep crawls, competitor comparisons and technical analysis, which for one tool alone is impressive. It has a free option, which provides a limited number of top level audits and a premium paid service with lots more features such as downloadable reports ready to share internally and with clients.
What we loved
It’s awesome to be given a ready-made list of SEO and technical pain points to see where a site is performing well and where improvements could be made. We loved seeing our technical, SEO and keyword performance in one dashboard with competitor comparisons and actionable tasks. Linking accounts to Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Social Media accounts was easy, and the data pulled from these provides an even more integrated perspective.
WooRank even provides the ability to deep crawl a website’s full URL profile and create a report on content issues such as duplicate meta titles, descriptions and body content with easy links to pages that you can download.

Who might WooRank be benefical for?
As an expert Digital Marketing Agency, we use a range of digital marketing and SEO tools from which we pull data and then provide our own analysis across our teams. However, for new SEO’s feeling overwhelmed by their role, WooRank is a fantastic way to get started on auditing websites. Apart from actionable insights, it even provides users with weekly progress reports and email notifications if their tracked website goes down, which for beginners starting out is incredibly useful.
If you want to audit, improve and track your SEO health all in one tool, WooRank fits the bill. With comprehensive technical, keyword and competitor insights boiled down into a ready-made checklist, professionals new to the industry would find it hard not to improve their chosen site’s performance when following this program’s recommendations.
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