This is why keyword research is SO important for your online store. Imagine you have a web store selling coffee cups and want everyone to know about you. What do you do? You likely put a bunch of effort into making sure your descriptions, articles, and website content is all about “Coffee Cups”. What will your result be? Not much. Why? Google seems to think that “coffee cups” has more to do with software than an actual coffee cup.

Channeling that same amount of effort into long-tail, product-specific keywords will yield MUCH better results for your business. This is especially true if your word grouping also provides a motivation to purchase or learn.

So how do we research keywords? One of the most widely respected experts on SEO is a company called MOZ. Formerly known as SEO MOZ, the experts at MOZ do a great job of helping users understand the “how and why” of keyword research. There are also many great online tools that are made to help with keywords. Here are a few of our favorites:

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