So Google celebrated its 15th birthday with a big bang introducing their biggest algorithm change since 2001 (causing mayhem like any teenager stuck in puberty!).

Supporting photo
By Renata Miyagusku
via Flickr

However, differently to the big Ps “penguin and panda” this isn’t simply an update but a whole new algorithm all together. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen brace yourselves the Hummingbird has officially landed. And we did not even hear or notice a single flutter of its wings.

But is this the end to via Flickr

Humming bird, humming bird fly right on by
Some folks like to gamble but, darling, not I
Some folks like to gamble but, darling not I
Humming bird, humming bird fly right on by

I’d rather be lonely, I’d rather be blue
Yes I’d rather spend my whole life without you
Than feather a nest to be shattered apart
By the hum, hum of your humming bird heart.

(By Don Robertson)

Although we all got told about it in September and panic started slowly to kick in – the Hummingbird has actually been humming for quite a while now – at least for a few weeks or so. Is it a killer update trying to eliminate Google’s biggest enemy “via Flickr

So my feeling is that Hummingbird is here to tackle Siri. They are shifting from keywords to actual phrases, taking finally “How, When, What, Where, Why” into account due to the fact that people talk to their mobiles. Yes, we do not just talk into them, we have conversations with them. Believe me; my other half has deeper conversations with Siri than he has with me nowadays! People just tend to fire questions such as “What will the weather be like today?” at their phones – with Siri being the one replying to them currently. Google wants a share of the ever growing voice-based search and Hummingbird is their weapon to get that share!

Ok it might not all be about killing off Siri, Google just could not resist in taking the opportunity and making every via Flickr
The right half of the graphic by nathanmac87 via Flickr

So if you thought you are off the hook – think again- the big Ps are and will be kicking it even larger!

5 Facts About Hummingbirds That You Probably Didn’t Know

  1. They are the tiniest birds in the world
  2. They can flash their bright colors, as well as hide them when needed. (so that’s where the ‘not provided comes in)
  3. They are very smart and they can remember every flower they have been to, and how long it will take a flower to refill (just up Google’s street then)
  4. Hummingbirds can hear better than humans (no wonder they have been chosen for semantic search)
  5. Most hummingbirds die in the first year of life (not a good stat for Google then?)

Source: World of Hummingbirds

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