Thank you for being a customer of PinnacleCart.
I wanted to personally apologize and send you an email acknowledging some of our shortcomings related to our customer support department in the recent months. While the New Year has been extremely promising for our business, unfortunately, the beginning of 2011 has overwhelmed our company and we have been unable to provide the high level of support you have come to expect. I take full responsibility for these temporary issues and wanted to communicate the steps our organization is taking to improve our commitment to you.
- New Support Team – We have doubled our staff since the first of the year and will continue to have an open job listing in an effort to get the best of the best in the Phoenix market. As you can imagine, training on an application of our size is time-consuming but the experience our new hires bring to the table have allowed them to make an immediate impact in our support department.
- One-Touch Resolution – We implemented a policy goal of one-touch resolution in relation to support-related questions. The goal is to answer your questions with just one interaction with one of our support representatives. The goal is to have 85% of your questions answered in “one touch” by the end of July.
- Customer Feedback – We want more feedback from you! Moving forward, we will be reaching out to you on a regular basis to better understand your needs as a small business owner. Additionally, we want to impart our knowledge of our application to assist you in growing your business by providing ideas and recommendations on how to use the software to get you maximum results.
- Improvements to our Knowledge Base – In just 2 months, we have added over 145 articles, revised 35 and added just over 115 new training videos to our knowledge base. Additionally, we are consistently reviewing your search queries into the knowledge base and creating new articles. Please take the time to give us feedback and rate our answers. The more feedback you provide, the better our knowledge base will become and the quicker you can get your answer.
- Free Phone Support – All customers who host their store with us now have free phone support.
- Dedication – Due to the huge jump in new business, our support / sales team were multi-tasking too often. Their roles have now been simplified into very specific job duties throughout a given day. Combined with one-touch resolution, this focus allows our team to spend the necessary time with each customer to get the results you need and expect.
In just a short period of time, here is what we’ve been able to accomplish.
- Support tickets have been reduced from a high of almost 200 open tickets to just 16 as I write this email – a 90+% drop and we have been under 20 tickets for the last nine days.
- Our new videos in our knowledge base have been viewed over 1,400 times in less than one week.
- Our outbound communication efforts have resulted in a new appreciation for issues you face as a business owner. Our goal is to continue to connect and communicate with you in an ongoing effort to provide you the best e-commerce platform on the market.
As an Entrepreneur myself, I can appreciate and understand the level of frustration some of you have felt over the last couple of months. Our team is committed to insuring we never face these issues again and as we help you build your business. We aren’t perfect, but we are committed to being the best we can every day.
I welcome your feedback.
Mike Auger
President / CEO.
mike @ pinnaclecart.com