PinnacleCart’s #1 priority is protecting our customers and their vital information. The day we learned about the potential breaches caused by Heartbleed, we immediately scanned all of our systems and found none had been affected. In fact, we are currently in the midst of completing our PCI-DSS certification audit, which has security as its focal point. For us to be PCI compliant, we must use SIM/SIEM (security information management / security event manager) and HIDS (host intrusion detection systems); in addition, we follow a routing change-management procedure to ensure our systems are always up-to-date with changing security measures. The long and short is that, if your site is hosted by Pinnacle Cart, it has not been affected. You do not need to go in and change passwords or generate new key pairs for system access. You don’t have to worry about the integrity of your e-commerce website — because we have already ensured your security!
If your site is not hosted by Pinnacle Cart, Fixed OpenSSL has been released and must be installed on any sites running OpenSSL. Both service providers and users will need to install this fix on all operating systems, networked appliances, and software to ensure they have no problems moving forward.