When PinnacleCart came across the story of Ben Pierce, the 9-year old who is slowly going blind, we had to reach out and make one of his Bucket List Wishes come true!
For 365 days of the year, PinnacleCart is known for making the wishes of online business owners come true. This holiday season, however, we took a wider approach to wishes and started early by granting a travel wish on Ben’s Wish List. Since it’s close to our heart, PinnacleCart chose to send Ben and his amazing family to his dream destination of the Grand Canyon! Once you hear their story, you may be inspired to get your office team involved to help, too.
VIDEO: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/05/01/boy-blindness-bucket-list/8552747/
On the recommendation of Ben’s doctor, Heidi and Christopher Thaden-Pierce are attempting to make sure Ben gets to see as many visual delights as possible before he goes completely blind. This will hopefully give Ben an understanding of verbal cues for visual references, in the future. One day, he may even be able to tell his children what the Grand Canyon looks like.
To begin this project, they simply ask 9-year old Ben to create a bucket list of things and places he’d like to see. Since they have enjoyed a whirlwind of adventures! You’ll be surprised at some of the things Ben added to his list… and then realize that you may like to see some of the unusual things, too!