Health and wellness brands are a high value industry, and because of the need for trust and the intricacies of the Google algorithm, they’re some of the hardest businesses to establish. This means that something that seems like a small mistake – like not having quite the right name – can have a huge ripple effect.

But don’t worry! As a branding expert, I’m here to help. And plenty of others are too.
Not really. Crowdsourcing, name testing, and using a trusted naming company are all great ways to ensure you end up with a name that represents your brand and works for you in the health and wellness niche.
1. Choosing A Name That Just Doesn’t Sound Good
Names in the health industry should be positive and reassuring. Think FitBit or Alliance. Beyond positive, go for traditional. That could simply be a family name, or a description of what you do. Either option shows you care for your users, and you want good health for them.
Don’t refer to the negatives of a health condition you’re dealing with professionally ‘WeFixBadKnees’ – what’s that going to make people think of? Yeah, how sore their knees are.
So, you don’t need to be a ray of sunshine. Just try not to remind people of exactly what’s uncomfortable or worrying that they’re trying to fix when coming up with a great wellness business name.
2. Getting too Complicated
Healthcare is complicated. But your name shouldn’t be!
As a leader of a healthcare or wellness organisation, you know a lot about what you do and it’s complex. There are a lot of ideas to grasp, and you’re enthusiastic about them.
They don’t all need to be in your name.
In particular, I always tell founders not to use terms in their names or URLs that are difficult for the average person to say, write, or remember. If you want recommendations and natural reach, make it easy for everyone.
Keep it memorable and concise for great brand recall. Use a professional naming service for ideas if you’re stuck, or even just as a jumping off point.
Shockingly, brands are often forgotten by 80% of users only three days after they encounter them. A complicated name will exacerbate the issue! So, keep it snappy. Optrics, Athletic Greens, they stick in the mind don’t they.
And of course, a simple company name makes a better domain name too.
3. Making it About You
Don’t let yourself be swayed too much by how you feel about name A vs name B.
Think about your brand positioning, who you’re selling to, and what they care about over and above your own personal opinions on a name. Of course, don’t go for something you hate! You’ll have to look at it every day, but ask people who fit into your user demographic about their associations with a name rather than going with only your heart.
One great way to do this – and to come up with a whole bunch of names that will work great for your business – is using a service like Squadhelp that offers a naming contest in which professionals will come up with a whole bunch of names that suit your brand really well. You should of course do research, but they will too! You might even be surprised by the directions the names go in.
Finally, Never Forget Your Clients
Your health and wellness brand isn’t about you. Or rather, it’s about you but it’s about you serving your clients or customers. Prioritise their needs over your own when choosing a name, and take into account their comfort at all times.
Keep it memorable, keep it snappy, and don’t get too emotional about your name. It’s important, but delivering an amazing service is more important.