Most people nowadays have access to mobile devices, and smartphones, for example, are deeply integrated into our everyday lives. In fact, there are more mobile users than desktop or personal computer users in the US. As such, it is necessary to make your eCommerce store mobile-friendly so it can reach its full potential.

Providing the best possible mobile experience means that transactions can be done smoothly, with little to no hang-ups. There are things to consider when optimizing your store for mobile. The first is that it should be responsive. This means that your store is accessible through smartphones, tablets, and even smartwatches.

Another thing to consider is user-friendliness. App users should be able to click on important elements such as pages, posts, links, and other navigational features with ease. The images and videos should be optimized for mobile as well because it affects the website loading time. Pictures and videos should be clear and in the appropriate size for the mobile device used.

While content is essential for search engine optimization and for those looking for more information, it is necessary to reduce some of it for mobile. Too much content may make your eCommerce store on mobile too hard to view with blocks of text, wide spacing, or even confusing white space. And lastly, the store’s mobile app design should be on-brand and eye-catching.

3. Utilize Social Media

Social media is helpful in generating leads and letting customers know about your eCommerce store. It is a powerful tool that allows you to build your brand, tell its story, and gather a following. Social media is your store’s calling card as these social platforms connect you with customers, and, let’s face it, most people online are on social media.

It is important to have a strategy when using social media, make sure you have time to focus on this or try to get a creative virtual assistant who can do the job for you. It is necessary to know which platform is the most useful to your brand. In the case of eCommerce, where it is mostly about products, it is best to utilize image-heavy social media platforms like Instagram. For new businesses, it is sufficient to be on two to three platforms, as it takes time to create and publish posts, promotional or otherwise, for all of them. Make sure to fill out all the important information on all pages, including the link to your website.

Having a following on social media is necessary, and increasing those numbers should be one of your priorities. However, there is such a thing as paid bots that help increase follower counts. Do not fall for this scheme, as while it does make social media pages look good, none of those followers will genuinely engage with your brand and will hurt your marketing efforts in the long run. Instead, focus on building a community of followers with real customers.

4. Offer Free Shipping Promotions

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