8 Amazon Seller Tools That Will Boost Your FBA Sales & Profits

As any successful entrepreneur can tell you, it’s never good to go it alone. In fact, most of us need all the help we can get, especially when it comes to selling on Amazon.

Thankfully there are scores of tools for Amazon sellers – covering everything from:

  • Product selection
  • Sourcing
  • Sales tracking
  • Inventory control
  • Reputation management
  • PPC / Sponsored ads
  • Getting paid faster
  • Capital for inventory, marketing, etc.
  • And much more!

Powered by artificial intelligence, these Amazon seller tools can make your life a whole lot easier – and your sales outlook a whole lot brighter.

But, of course, not all FBA tools are created equal. Some are indispensable. Others simply aren’t worth the investment.

Based on our hands-on research, we’ve zeroed in on 8 outstanding toolkits no seller should be without.

What It Is: A Soup-to-Nuts Menu of More than 20 Amazon Seller Tools

Helium 10 provides real-time assistance with all aspects of Amazon selling:

  • Choosing the right product(s)
  • Finding the right keywords
  • Optimizing your listing(s)
  • Protecting your inventory
  • Automating your customer service
  • Tracking and analyzing your sales
  • PPC
  • And much more

The Rundown of Helium 10’s Amazon Seller Tools

Whether you’re a veteran seller or just getting your feet wet, you’ll appreciate Helium 10’s popular product-research tools:

  1. Helium 10 Chrome Extension, designed to help you discover potentially profitable products. You simply add Chrome Extension to your Google Chrome browser, then open any page on Amazon. Chrome Extension will actually embed at Amazon, so you’ll have instant ongoing access to its 5 interconnected tools:
    • Xray, providing specific product data – such as revenue estimates and sales trends – so you can determine whether a particular product type is right for you.
    • ASIN Grabber, which lets you do competitive analyses of related ASINs, discover top-selling products, etc.
    • Profitability Calculator, which lets you check competitors’ data to determine whether your (similar) product is worth selling.
    • Inventory Level, which shows you the number of units other sellers have on hand so you can plan accordingly.
    • Review Insights, which lets you quickly gather your competitors’ customer reviews in one convenient export.
    • Listing Health Score, which shows you how a particular product listing rates in terms of key success indicators. 
  1. Black Box, which helps you search for potentially viable products based on criteria such as: minimum and maximum monthly revenue; minimum and maximum price; minimum and maximum review count; minimum and maximum review rating; and shipping size tier…and then lets you sort and filter till you pinpoint your perfect option.
  2. Trendster, which helps you figure out which products to sell or promote at certain times and seasons, such as Christmas and back-to-school.

Then There Are Helium 10’s Renowned Keyword Research Tools:

  1. Cerebro, which lets you do a “Reverse-ASIN” search to find out exactly which high-volume keywords your chief competitors are using (so you can use them, too).
  1. Magnet, which lets you enter up to 200 keyphrases at a time, click for instant results, then sort by filters such as search volume and competitiveness (Magnet IQ Score).

Armed with Helium 10’s product and keyword research tools, you’ll be well on your way toward creating an effective Amazon product listing.

And remember, Helium 10 offers 15 additional tools to take you the rest of the way.

helium10 cerebro

Helium 10 Coupons

Use code MARKETINGWORDS50 to save 50% off your first month. Use code MARKETINGWORDS10 to save 10% every month for life. 

AmazonSellerTools sellerlabs

What It Is: An All-in-One Toolkit Offering AI-Powered Tools Linked Directly to Seller Central

Seller Labs provides:

  • Ignite, designed to help you create, manage, and optimize your Amazon Pay-Per-Click advertising campaigns.
  • Communication Center, which automatically creates Amazon-compliant emails requesting customer reviews.
  • Scope, which helps you pinpoint the most relevant high-volume keywords for your product listing(s); spy on your competitors’ keywords; plus discover new products that could prove potentially profitable.
  • Amazon Inventory and Financials, which helps you monitor your product’s performance; manage your inventory; keep tabs on your listings so you’ll know when to refresh them; and more.

What It’s Best For: PPC Advertising and Keyword Research

Seller Labs’ signature tool is Ignite, a multifaceted program that helps you automate and optimize your Amazon PPC campaigns. With a sliding fee scale based on ad spend, it’s ideal for a wide range of Amazon sellers, from tiny mom-and-pops to famous corporations. In fact, a number of major companies rely on it.

Designed to sync with your Seller Central account, Ignite helps you:

  • Create new PPC ad campaigns (or import existing ones)
  • Use data-driven suggestions to ramp up your ads’ effectiveness
  • Save money by learning how much to bid and which high-traffic keywords to target
  • Find the right keywords to reach specific audiences
  • Reduce your ACoS – Average Cost of Sale

Looking for Profitable Keywords for Your Amazon Listings? Try Scope.

Using the Scope Chrome Extension, you can search directly on Amazon to find the keywords and keyphrases with the highest:

  • Search volume
  • Relevance
  • Estimated sales
  • Cost-per-Click (for PPC campaigns)

That way, you can continually update your keyword strategy, optimize your ads and listings, and generate more sales.

AmazonSellerTools ppcwinner

What It Is: A Full-Service Agency Dedicated to Managing and Optimizing Your Amazon PPC

This unique combination of hands-on and automated Amazon PPC services/tools means PPC Winner can offer a cost-effective alternative to high-priced agencies. You get the combined power of:

  • An award-winning team of industry experts with extensive experience running successful Amazon PPC campaigns.
  • Proprietary machine-learning software (affectionately named Steve) that automates complex tasks to help you create, manage, and optimize your PPC advertising.

What It’s Best For: PPC Campaigns

PPC Winner’s skilled management team harnesses advanced technology to:

  • Help you develop the right PPC strategy for your specific product portfolio and business goals (both short- and long-term).
  • Find all the relevant keywords you’ll need to target in each PPC campaign.
  • Manage your PPC campaigns 24/7, constantly refining and enhancing to meet ever-changing challenges.

… all with the goal of accelerating your sales.

You Also Get Two Free Tools:

  • ACoS Calculator: Simply enter your product price, Amazon fees, and overhead costs, indicate your target profit margin, then click. This free online tool will instantly calculate your break-even Average Cost of Sale, your target ACoS, and your total profit (at your target ACoS).
  • One Word Grouper: Enter your PPC ad text, click, and you’ll see exactly how often individual words appear in your search terms. Based on these results, you can figure out what’s wrong (or right) with your ad, improve your product listing(s), create new campaigns, etc.

… Plus Several Additional Services:

  • Get Amazon Refund: Helping you make sure Amazon pays you what it owes you.
  • Import Credit: Offering better credit terms – up to 120 credit days – for US importers importing from China and/or Hong Kong.
  • WorldFirst Partnership: Providing transparent, competitive FX rates, so you can receive your international revenues more quickly, easily, safely, and cost-effectively.

PPC Winner Coupons

Use code MARKETINGWORDS to save 15% on any plan.

AmazonSellerTools pickfu

What It Does: Gives Instant Feedback From Thousands of Live, Targeted Customers

/* .tcb-flex-col { padding-left: 0px; }[data-css=”tve-u-225e449920f2ad6″] { width: 217px; float: none; margin: 0px auto !important; padding-right: 0px !important; padding-top: 25px !important; padding-left: 10px !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-15e449920f2ac1″] { padding: 20px 20px 0px !important; margin-bottom: 20px !important; }:not(#tve) [data-css=”tve-u-195e449920f2ad3″] button { background-image: none !important; background-color: rgb(77, 185, 207) !important; }}@media (max-width: 767px){[data-css=”tve-u-215e449920f2ad5″] { text-align: center; background-image: none !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-05e449920f2abe”] { background-image: none !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-25e449920f2ac2″] { background-image: none !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-55e449920f2ac5″] { padding-top: 0px !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-45e449920f2ac4″] { background-image: none !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-75e449920f2ac7″] { background-image: none !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-15e449920f2ac1″] { padding-bottom: 20px !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; padding-left: 10px !important; padding-right: 10px !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-85e449920f2ac8″] { padding: 10px 0px !important; background-image: none !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-185e449920f2ad2″] { max-width: 336px; margin-top: 0px !important; padding-top: 0px !important; margin-right: auto !important; margin-left: auto !important; background-image: none !important; }[data-css=”tve-u-225e449920f2ad6″] { width: 120px; margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; margin-bottom: 10px !important; }}


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Ever wonder what makes your target customers tick? What they love, what they loathe, and what they really want?

Find out with PickFU, starting as low as $50.

What It’s Best For: Getting Valuable Feedback from Your Specific Target Audience


  • Input a question. Any question. “Which widget would you rather buy, A or B?” “What type of Amazon product-listing images do you prefer – product, lifestyle, infographic, how-to video?” Or anything else you can think of. It’s up to you.
  • Pinpoint your target audience. Choose from 45 different traits, such as Amazon Prime Member, Mobile Gamer, Male, Female, Married, Dog Owner, etc. Filter for age, income level, education level, and more. Mix and match to create your own precision-tailored customer profile.
  • Get results in 30 minutes (often less). You’ll receive super-fast feedback from more than 10,000 US-based respondents who custom-fit your target audience. PickFU’s algorithms screen out gibberish and garbage, so you get only the meatiest, most helpful replies.

It’s a great way to find out what will fly – and what flies best – before you invest in a new product launch, product upgrade, listing makeover, photo shoot, or any other costly endeavor.

As one user put it, PickFu is like a fortune teller for your business, helping you see into the future so you can save precious time and money.

AmazonSellerTools splitly

What It Is: A Platform for AI-Powered Split Testing, Specifically Developed for Amazon Sellers

Which product listing works better, A or B? Which listing title does a better job of igniting readers’ interest? What kind of imagery do customers respond to best?

Splitly helps you find out.

The Splitly team – mathematicians, statisticians, software engineers, and Amazon sellers – work with advanced technology to create automated split tests customized for your audience. The payoff? A finely tuned Amazon listing accurately optimized for higher sales and profits.

What It’s Best For: Instant, Accurate Testing

Splitly provides 3 powerful tools:

  • Profit Peak, which automatically optimizes your pricing for maximum profitability 365 days a year.
  • A/B Split Testing – the heart of Splitly – which uses special proprietary algorithms to automate your testing, yielding statistically significant results in a fraction of the time required for manual testing.
  • Rank Tracking, which shows you exactly how well your listing keywords are ranking right now… with results updated daily and with historical data at your fingertips.

Plus, You Get Free Resources Including:

  • Product Listing Grader, which shows you how well your listings are doing right this very moment.
  • Statistical Significance Calculator, which tells you whether your listing-optimization efforts have actually moved the needle.
  • A/B Testing Idea Generator, which helps you come up with ideas for what to test.
  • Amazon Split Testing: Glossary, a quick and easy reference explaining all the acronyms, terms, and jargon.
  • Helpful eBooks, webinars, and more.

AmazonSellerTools payability

What It Is: A Fast Way To Get Paid Daily + Get Working Capital for Amazon Sellers

Getting much-needed funds can be a major hassle. Payability to the rescue. With this automated paying platform, you can get approved fast and receive up to $250,000 in just 24 hours. You’ll have quick access to your money whenever you need it, so you’ll never be held up by cash constraints as you work to grow your business.

What It’s Best for: Fast Hassle-Free Funding

Your options include:

  • Instant Advance, providing quick capital specifically for funding your marketing and inventory.
  • Accelerated daily payouts, so you can get paid for your Amazon and other eCommerce sales the very next day, not next month or next year. That way, you’ll always have cash on hand to maintain and expand your business.

AmazonSellerTools merchinformer

What It Is: An All-in-One Tool & Training Specifically for Merch by Amazon Sellers

Tired of combing through product page after product page to find a viable T-shirt design? Merch Informer uses Amazon’s API to identify the specific search criteria that work best for you. You can filter by product photo, product name, merchant name, ASIN, price, bullet points, description, sales rank, and more. In seconds, you’ll get the top 100 results for each search term, sorted by BSR (Best Seller Rank). So, you can make an easy, informed decision… without all the hassle of searching manually at Amazon.

Merch Informer can also help you create T-shirt designs, do T-shirt-specific keyword research, optimize your T-shirt listing(s), protect your trademarks, and more.

Merch Informer Coupons

Save 25% each month with coupon code MERCH25.

AmazonSellerTools howmanyextension

What It Is: An Inside Look at Your Competitors’ Inventory (Which Gives You a Competitive Advantage)

Ever wonder how many products your competitors really have in stock? How Many gathers that valuable intel for you in under 10 seconds flat. You’ll learn:

  • How many units your competitors have on hand right now
  • How many they have on reserve
  • Whether they limit their inventory
  • Which variations, now out of stock, were popular in the past, based on customer reviews

Equipped with this info, you’ll have a better idea which products (and variations) to source for optimal sales results at Amazon.

How Many also provides a mobile app, so you can analyze your competition even when you’re out and about.

How Many Extension Coupon Codes

Save 10% off any plan with code HOWMANYWORDS.

Every year, more Amazon seller tools become available that help you earn more in less time. When you choose the ones that are a good fit with your Amazon business, you have more freedom to enjoy your life!

Have questions about Amazon seller tools? Ask them below!

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