One of the best channels for delivering information about discounts, offers, and other product materials is through a loyalty program. These programs significantly expand your e-commerce business’ customer experience, which is a massive competitive differentiator in the digital landscape.
Loyalty programs are particularly impactful with younger generations. By the numbers, 63% of Gen Z and 71% of Millennials participate in at least one loyalty program. These consumers like when brands are willing to go the extra mile and recognize and incentivize their returning business.
These programs come in all shapes and sizes, but their power to draw returning customers it is always high. One of the most highly regarded loyalty programs comes from Starbucks. Their program has one of the best mobile apps to accompany it and, when customers achieve the highest loyalty level, they receive a personalized gold Starbucks card. This really helps encourage return business, as consumers try and accomplish this illustrious goal.
National car rental company saw similar benefits when they created their Emerald Exchange rewards program. This rewards frequent customers with typical discounts and perks, and it also allows them to join an exclusive membership, where they can interact and swap stories with other Emerald Exchange members. Instituting this loyalty community has helped National generate 27% more loyalty members for a 32% increase in revenue.