With over 500,000 active podcaster shows on iTunes, the idea of starting a podcast has no doubt entered the minds of a few entrepreneurs hoping to profit of the “podcast goldrush”. Today, we’re going to discuss more about podcasting and what it can do for your business.

Podcasts (sometimes called netcasts) is a series of digital audio or video files created by a host or hosts which typical focus in a specific topic. They are typically created on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. While there’s no specific set of rules for creating a podcast, it typically involves a host with expertise on a subject, or a host interviewing a guest who has a demonstrated expertise on a particular subject matter. These conversations are made into digital file and uploaded to iTunes, youTube or various other sites where they can be downloaded and listened to at the discretion of the individual who has subscribed.

Podcasts are can informative, entertaining and enlightening, or they can drag out and be somewhat boring. Rating sites like http://podbay.fm/browse/top help listeners decide which ones they should pay attention to, and which ones they should ignore. Companies can use podcasts to connect with their audiences, promote their brands and foster closer relationships, while others make money selling advertisements.

Podcasting combines the freedom of blogging with digital audio technology to create an almost endless supply of content. Some say this new technology is democratizing the once corporate-run world of radio as podcatings doesn’t require a FCC license.

If used correctly, podcasting can be a powerful tool for marketers looking to reach an intended audience. Powered by the increase in mobile devices, podcasts reach an estimated 124 million people with over 73 million listening at least once a month.

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