Almost anyone familiar with Google Analytics should understand how crucial a website’s bounce rate is to the overall success of the site. Unless you’re running a single-page site, bounce rate is one of the most important terms of eCommerce. It is a statistic that all eCommerce business owners, especially online merchants, should work to improve because a healthier bounce rate will improve your site rank and visibility.
Many newcomers become overwhelmed by analytics and mistakenly assume that a bounce rate is the amount of time someone spends on a site before they ‘bounce’ away to another site. This, however, is not the case. In layman’s terms, a bounce rate calculates the percentage of website visitors who leave your landing page without interacting or continuing on to other pages of your site. If your bounce rate is 70%, it means that 70% of your visitors have come to your site but only viewed the single page they landed on. This means a visitor can spend an hour on one page without improving the overall bounce rate. You only have a few seconds to make a great impression, engage a browser and encourage them to move on to another page of your website so make sure things have been built to encourage engagement!
According to Google Support, a high bounce rate can be caused by one or many different factors. These factors can include your site design, incorrect implementation of tracking codes, boring site content, irrelevant links or keywords, and more. Here are some tips on figuring out how to improve the bounce rate for your online store!