Whether you’re a current online store owner or just looking to get out of your current day-to-day, take a look at the 2015 shopping cart software comparison chart that PCmag posted and give Pinnacle Cart’s free trial a test run. PinnacleCart eCommerce is the only shopping cart solution ranked in the top 3 that does not charge additional transaction fees with every sale. They are a complete eCommerce solution and will help you with everything you need to build a web store, from the initial design to shipping to analytics. They provide excellent 24/7 customer support for eCommerce newbies or more experienced online business owners who are trying to upgrade to new features. That’s right, even if you need to call at 1am, you’ll find someone to help you!

Pinnacle Cart has better tools for SEO and keyword searches than Shopify or 3dCart. ~ PCmag.com

When you’re tired of the old funk and ready to switch to something new, Pinnacle Cart eCommerce software excels at free web store migration. Use our automated migration service to move up to 3000 total records from your existing cart system to Pinnacle’s Carts award winning, PCI-compliant solution. If you have over 3000 records, simply contact Pinnacle Cart’s migration team for an individualized quote. PinnacleCart’s proprietary bulk product loader will help you transfer tens of thousands of products.

The easiest shopping cart software is worthless if the customer finds it difficult to find products and pay for them. I found the user experience easy and seamless, both as a customer trying to buy the product and as the seller managing the transaction. Some of the other interesting marketing features include live chat, automatic email reminders to customers who have abandoned carts (drift marketing), QR code generators, widget creation for online advertising, and an in-house newsletter wizard. ~PCmag.com

PinnacleCart delivers a robust web store builder for an online store; if you need it, we can do it. Don’t hesitate to try Pinnacle Cart’s free trial, one of the world’s 2015 ranked best shopping cart software. We’d love to hear from you. Give us a call, send an email or use the comments below if we can answer any questions for you!

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