Mobile web browsing has been on the up in recent years, and that’s an understatement. The development of capabilities for web use on mobile devices has ushered in a new mode of browsing, as well as a new mode of web development. There are over a billion smartphones in use globally, and the tablet market is increasing year on year too – so it’s no surprise that people are using their devices in an online capacity. What this also means is that users are browsing the web differently; on different devices and that it’s necessary for those looking to market themselves on the web to adapt to this shift. There are different considerations to take into account on mobile devices when it comes to usability, search behaviours, technical considerations and many other things that make the mobile web an entirely different platform for use – and these are things that become very important when sites wish to market themselves on specifically on a mobile basis. Those who can benefit include restaurants, delivery services, e-commerce sites, traditional retailers, hospitality services and any other business whose sight may be accessed by users away from their desktop. With usability being so important to web marketers across the board, it’s a good place to start in our series on mobile SEO. Below is the first in our series of presentations on mobile SEO, a rundown of the Top 5 Tips for Usability in mobile web marketing.
There’s certainly a lot to consider here, and if you want people to use your website on a mobile device, or people already are, then it’s a good idea to take these points into account. Make sure to check back here for the second in our series on mobile SEO where we will be discussing Mobile Search. We will explore the differences in mobile web search to desktop search, how search engines function on mobile devices and much more. This post has been brought to you by Alex Novakovic and Tara Dulake Follow us to find out more of our Mobile SEO tips and tricks – Coming up next ‘Search on Mobile’