Pinnacle Cart 3.6.3 has been launched!

If you have account in our new account area at then you can get the new packages from there.
If you do not yet have an account in the new area, please proceed to to get the version of the cart as well as your own account in our new account area.

We will also be releasing this as a hotfix to 3.6.2 version carts as soon as it is available.

Below are the changes and fixes in 3.6.3

Changes from version 3.6.2 R.704 to 3.6.3 R.905

Added – Password update notification and failed admin lockout.
Reason – Necessary to meet PA-DSS compliance.

Added – Password Strength Meter for administrator accounts.
Reason – Necessary to meet PA-DSS compliance.

Added – Intuit QuickBooks Merchant Service.
Reason – Requested by clients

Added – Tracking features for both Google Analytics and Google AdWords.
Reason – Allows customer to track visitor / sales data using Google Analytics and Google Adwords.

Added – Time limit for storage of credit card data.
Reason – Necessary to meeting PA-DSS compliance

Issue – Address field 1 & 2 maybe too short for some international addresses.
Fixed – Increased the max length to 48.

Added – HTTPS interface to PayPal Payflow Pro.
Reason – PayPal Payflow Pro was using library in the cart, now using HTTP interface to communicate.

Issues – Wrong default URL in NTP Now payment gateway.
Fixed – Database is updated with new URL.

Added – Shipping area restriction in the Google post XML.
Fixed – Per Google Checkout documentation.

Issue – Taxes are not recalculated when you update order quantity in admin area.
Fixed – Fixed the query to pull tax rate for updated order subtotal.

Issue – Unable to bulk update a tax class when a high number of products is present in the database.
Fixed – Redesigned the tax class update function.

Issue – Per PA-DSS compliance documentation, CVV2 data cannot be stored under any condition.
Fixed – Removed CVV2 data field from credit card storage.

Issue- Promo code does not get rechecked after deleting a product from cart.
Fixed – Added additional check for promo discount calculations.

Issue – Newsletter unsubscribe does not work for registered users.
Fixed – Updated unsubscribe function for registered users.

Issue – On IPN payment methods OPC drops shipping and makes order free of charge.
Fixed – Added additional checks for shipping rate after few unsuccessful transaction.

Issue – In some instances, attribute inventory was not updating on purchase.
Fixed – Modify the stock control function to check the list of ordered items.

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