These days, generating content is made easy with the accessibility of information and new technologies that provide people with the tools to effortlessly get their ideas out into the world. The amount of content available online is extraordinary, which means the challenge for brands is to create materials that stand out. It’s a well-known fact that people’s attention spans have dwindled quickly from 12 seconds to 8 seconds – the result of an increasingly digitized lifestyle. This is why brands are expected to exercise brevity in their content creation.
Marketers are constantly seeking new and dynamic ways to gain visibility for their content. Whether it’s at the basic level like improving their social media aesthetic or on the slightly complicated side such as offering options for content or product personalization, there’s no limit to how you can present your brand’s image to potential and loyal customers. But putting out content that easily catches people’s attention and piques their interest immediately is always a top priority. Infographics can be a massive help in this endeavor.
Infographics have been around for a while now and are a staple in content marketing campaigns across the world. They are preferred by marketers and consumers alike as infographics blend visuals with written elements to convey information in an attractive and concise manner. Content creators capitalize on the fact that the human brain processes visual information 600,000 times faster than text – this has paved the way for microcontent platforms such as Twitter and TikTok to gain traction over the last decade. With this knowledge, brands have realized the advantages of incorporating infographics into their content marketing strategy.
Whether it’s to lay out relevant data or provide instructions on how to use certain products, the versatility that accompanies infographics makes them ideal for producing any content that requires it to be easily consumable and eye-catching.