Baymard Institute reports that the top three reasons online consumers abandon
e-commerce shopping carts are due to lack of delivery options, shipping costs, and long
shipping times. Due to this, savvy sellers are recognizing the need to reduce friction
points during the online check-out process. This can be accomplished by providing more
options in shipping. Among these options should include flexible delivery options that
allow consumers to identify what works for their budget and needs.
One option that began in 2019 and will increase in 2020 is for customers to wait longer for
a package in exchange for a monetary reward or incentive. This, of course, is in response to
the past few years putting so much pressure on same-day or overnight delivery. The
reality has become clearer, however, that quick delivery is not always what customers
want. Saving dollars, however, is a perk customers are not willing to ignore.
Increased shipping options are also being offered by the shipping carriers at no additional
cost to the shippers. FedEx announced the beginning of FedEx Home Delivery residential
Sunday delivery in January 2020. At no additional cost, packages will be delivered on
Sunday as Amazon and USPS have been doing since 2013.