Digital marketing trends come and go at a rapid pace. As such, marketers often think about how to spend their digital marketing budgets. If their budgets can afford it, most marketers will invest in a wide range of digital channels including SEO, social media, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and email. Meanwhile, marketers with smaller budgets will invest in only a few channels.

However, the craftier and more experienced marketers know that it’s not just about the size of one’s budget. To maximise the effectiveness of their strategies, smart marketers combine the strengths of two channels.

Marketers who want to get the most out of their budgets should consider integrating two of digital marketing’s most powerful channels: email marketing and social media.

Not convinced? Here are some statistics that might further persuade you:

As of 2019, there are 5.6 billion active email accounts and 2.56 billion social media users worldwide.

  • On average, people check their emails 74 times each day.
  • 73% of millennials prefer to connect with brands through email.
  • 225 billion emails are sent across the globe each day.

By combining email marketing and social media, marketers can increase traffic to their brand’s website, build stronger relationships with their customers, and boost revenue through strategic campaigns.

Want to know how you can fuse your email marketing and social media campaigns? This infographic is the perfect resource to get you started.

A Detailed Infographic on How You Can Combine Email Marketing and Social Media

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