Conduct an Amazon search or check the Google Trends
Google Trends is a great way to see what people are searching on. There are 3.5 billion searches on average every day, and Google is the first place many people turn to when they want to know something, find something or buy something.
Amazon search lets you see what people are buying. While it won’t give you insight to every product being purchased online, it’s the best tool we having when we’re trying to better understand what consumers are buying.
Conduct a Google Keyword Planner Search.
Google’s gift to marketers everywhere is Keyword Planner. It provides you deeper insight into what and how many times terms are being searched. It’s a must for anyone serious about market research.
Research Social Media Sites
Do hashtag searches on Twitter and Instagram, look to what Facebook groups might use your products. While Facebook is king when it comes to number of users, different social media sites attract different types of users. If you haven’t yet, start to create a target customer profile and align that profile with the social media sites they are most likely to use.
Not sure which sites to research? Click here.