Content is still king, that’s why you should put as much effort as possible into as many individual product descriptions as possible. Believe it or not, product content has the power to make or break a sale. Engaging product descriptions, especially those that provide key product details but are still fun and easy to read, can entice a customer into clicking the “Add to Cart” button.

improve your online storeWhat you have to remember is that you should absolutely not rely on the bland, bulleted product descriptions that your suppliers, manufacturers, or distributors provide you. Don’t just copy them and plug them into your site. Take those descriptions details and reinvent them to make a more compelling product description for your customers. Doing so will help revitalize your online store for 2016.

Content is important but if you’re not the writerly type, you’ll benefit from hiring an experienced copywriter who can spice up your product descriptions for you. Creating kick-ass product copy will not only make it easier for your customers to understand what they are buying, but your website will also benefit in the long run because your store is sure to place higher in organic search rankings. The more unique and original content on your eCommerce website, the better.

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