No matter how well you write your email, there are a few things that can cause the best email copy to deliver a low conversion rate. One of the main issues that may effect conversion rates is an email that isn’t developed with mobile commerce in mind. People check their email on the run, with a variety of mobile devices, so your email format needs to be mobile-friendly. According to Knotice, at least 48% of all emails are opened on mobile devices – and some studies indicate that number is closer to 91%. When your email isn’t built on a responsive template, potential customers who are interested in your offerings may open your email but not be able to read your message or click on your call-to-action. Consequently, email that is not mobile-friendly can have a drastic affect on convert rates.

A second issue that affects an emails ability to convert doesn’t have anything to do with the email itself, but rather, the landing page its call-to-action links to. After making sure your email is mobile-friendly check the landing page you are sending your subscribers to. Purchases are often are made on-the-go so the website also must be mobile-friendly. Most people will not remember to log in to the site after returning to their desk. Don’t waste an interested click from a properly styled email with a website that can’t be navigated on a mobile device. If your website is not running a responsive design template, contact your eCommerce software immediately for help with the upgrade. For your emails to convert, it’s crucial that your audience be able to read your offer, click your call-to-action, and complete the transaction without an outdated design template ruining the flow of the sale.

For SMB owners, creating emails that convert to sales can seem daunting at first, but take these tips into account and soon, you’ll be delivering quality customer emails, too!

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