High-definition images are always suggested for the best responses. Additionally, vertical pictures are easier to re-pin for any interested viewers that want to share your work by putting it on their own Pinterest boards, which provides you with a backlink. This issue of backlinks is the single most important metric for gaining search engine visibility. By making it as easy as possible for people to share your posts, you set up a constant stream of backlink-formation without any extra work on your part.

Lastly, much like with any webpage, you should actively seek out quality sources for links. This can entail content marketing on your own blog, with links to your pin if you want to drive traffic to them, and vice versa. Approach other blogs with useful, relevant subject matter and offer to write for them to raise your profile – they’ll let you leave a backlink to your website or Pinterest board in return for the content.

Pinterest is a growing platform, and business owners who get in early will reap the benefits later as the site continues to mature.

Should you be active on Pinterest? Take this short quiz below and find out.

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