Before starting their store which was hosted by PinnacleCart Randy and Cheryl Davis were living in a 34-foot long fifth wheel traveling all over the southeastern United States working crazy hours with Randy’s construction job. He was in restaurant construction and there were several demands placed on his time, but they were doing everything they could to make ends meet. Cheryl got to thinking that there had to be a better way to provide for the family and that provided the inspiration for the Green Gables General Store. She felt inspired to reach out to Pinnacle to learn more about the shopping cart, and the hosting, but to her surprise there were much easier ways to build a website and Pinnacle’s ownership showed her the way and she was able to publish her store and start making sales within a month of starting her website.

Although she didn’t have any technical experience, she was able to pick up and run with the PinnacleCart template that was given to her. Their business continued to exist for a short time while they lived on the road, but they soon got to the point where Cheryl needed to be with the website and the business on more of a full-time basis. They were starting to realize their dreams were coming true. After a short time, they were able to bring Randy home and retire him from the construction business to help with their newly successful camo clothing store.

Not only did they have an opportunity to confront a challenge they were experiencing, they were able to bring their family together. Only a short four years later, they are going to be opening their first brick and mortar store debt free! This is how dreams and success stories are born. When you work with Pinnacle Cart Software, you are setting yourself up for success. Cheryl and Randy attribute their success to “divine guidance “, hard work, and the amazing experience they had putting their website together with the help of the Pinnacle team.

To reward their dedication to the American dream and willingness to share this amazing experience with the Pinnacle Family, we are going to give them a free 1-year subscription to Sycara Software which will allow them to elevate their business even further. Sycara is an SEO Software company that will allow them to optimize their website, track their success, and identify action items for improvement. We are confident they will take full advantage of this great opportunity. We want to congratulate and reward the owners at Green Gables and let this serve as a reminder that you can live the American dream with Pinnacle. Start here to learn more!

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