I know a lot of you have heard me say I have the coolest job in the world for any entrepreneur, but it is worth saying again.

When we created Pinnacle Cart, it was a business we loved but we didn’t really know what it was going to grow into. We just wanted to have fun and be successful. What I didn’t know was the excitement I was going to get on an ongoing basis when one of our customers had their first sale, passed $1 million in sales or was on Oprah. It is the coolest thing in the world to help create successful online businesses. Whether you’re a first timer or serial entrepreneur, knowing that we are helping you succeed is such a daily blessing.

Well, I’m here today to tell you that sometimes it actually sucks helping someone succeed! We live and breathe our product, with many of our employees using the software to run their family business, personal business, etc. We really encourage it and feel that we are much better in terms of our ability to serve you. Unfortunately, one of our most valuable employees has become too successful with his business and will be leaving us.

Jason Kuipers has been a rock star VP of Marketing for us in transforming our brand and messaging. Today, his success with Zox Straps has taken his heart from us. My experience says when the heart goes, the mind quickly follows so it is best to allow him to follow his dream and work full-time on this project with his family. The Pinnacle Cart family appreciates everything he has done for our business and we wish him nothing but success with Zox.

Thank you Jason.

P.S. By the way, if you know someone that can fill size 37 shoes and works 24/7, I’m accepting applications for the VP title – jobs @ pinnaclecart.com

Mike Auger
President & CEO

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